RSI 5" Burandt Bars. Only thing I did to my Wife's sled, she loves them. I also shaved off a 1/2" from each side to make them more narrow. I personally like them too.
I run RSI back country bars. They are pretty low. About 3" lower than the pro tapers with a similar bend. Mine are trimmed pretty narrow but they come wide so its all preference there.
Only thing she may not like about them is they are difficult to use a mountain bar on. Not a big deal to me I dont run one but if she likes to have it there for certain situations she will be better off with the Burandt bars that include the mounts for one.
I also run the Dan Adams NXT LVL bars from Fly. I also have the NXT LVL handle bar bag on them. I believe they are about 2" shorter then the Pro tapers. You can cut them how you want them for width. I cut 1 3/8" from each side of mine.