K kmg Member Lifetime Membership Dec 13, 2021 #1 What's a good brand to buy? I know I've read they can be glitchy.. if I remember correctly my left and thumb work but not the right. Could be wrong..
What's a good brand to buy? I know I've read they can be glitchy.. if I remember correctly my left and thumb work but not the right. Could be wrong..
L LongHorn XC Well-known member Lifetime Membership Dec 13, 2021 #2 Check to make sure the plugs are attached to the switches. They can work themselves loose sometimes. Just a thought if you haven’t checked them.
Check to make sure the plugs are attached to the switches. They can work themselves loose sometimes. Just a thought if you haven’t checked them.
K kmg Member Lifetime Membership Dec 13, 2021 #3 I think I did do that one day last year when I had frozen hands lol.. but maybe I should double check now
I think I did do that one day last year when I had frozen hands lol.. but maybe I should double check now
V volcano buster Well-known member Dec 14, 2021 #5 The High setting on my left grip never worked from new. Ordered a replacement so I didn't feel bad taking the old one off. Had power all the way to the element, but no connectivity through the unit so I think it was faulty from day 1.
The High setting on my left grip never worked from new. Ordered a replacement so I didn't feel bad taking the old one off. Had power all the way to the element, but no connectivity through the unit so I think it was faulty from day 1.
K kmg Member Lifetime Membership Dec 14, 2021 #6 Interesting yea I think I'll just buy new ones and see what happens... Wasn't there something with the headlight too that affected hand warmers?
Interesting yea I think I'll just buy new ones and see what happens... Wasn't there something with the headlight too that affected hand warmers?