Very uneducated statement. Spaniels are not vicious or two faced. I have been around hundreds of Spaniels, from Springers to Brits to Boykins and English Cockers (what I own and hunt), and have seen ONE kennel brave ECS out of them all. So your dog barks at the FedEx man, thats vicious?
Yellow Sno, you have just helped to prove my point! LOL I am a dog person. I have had them all of my 47 yrs. I have been a Fedex driver for 21 yrs in rural Alaska where every home has dogs, most have multiple dogs and very few are fenced or chained. No big deal, this does not bother me. A dog can growl and show teeth and you will still find your box of goodies on the doopstep when you get home. That said, there are many Springers around that will lick and love all over me when the owners are home. When they are not, I can call them by name, feed them dog treats through the window as I try to get out of my truck, and they just flat will try to come at you. The only dog that is worse on a regular basis is a chesapeake. They are just plain bad. Inever believed it either about my own Springers when I owned them until I had a close freind watch one of them while we went on vacation. He and the Dusty knew each other well. Dusty just plain would not let him in the house. Yours may not be that way, great, but that is not the norm that I have found. Not trying to pick a fight with you in anyway, just trying to help someone make an informed decision.