I was out of the loop for a few days and just read these threads this morning. All day I have been at a loss for words and overwhelmed by everyones support.
When I posted my situation with TM2, my intentions were to help fellow snowmobilers to be more informed of who they order from. My second intention was to hopefully light a fire under TM2's butt and get my money back! (still hasn't worked!)
I never expected this type of response! As I said earlier, it's been overwhelming, especially for someone like myself who usually shies away from any type of recognition!
The support that everyone has given our armed forces is awesome. It's what drives us and motivates us to put that uniform on each and every day; to put 60+ pounds of gear on in 120 degree heat; to willingly spend multiple deployments away from loved ones and to willingly do whatever it takes to keep this country safe.
When I returned from Iraq the first time, our first stop on American soil was Bangor Maine. Hundreds of people were there to welcome us and thank us even though they did not know us. A fellow Soldier that go off the plane with me was overwhelmed by emotion. He told me that when he returned from Vietnam he had to change into civilian clothes and throw his uniform away before exiting the airport! (Because of protesters waiting to beat up men in uniform returning from Vietnam!) I will never forget that day, or that Vietnam vet who volunteered at the age of 53 to defend his country again. He even attempted to go again recently, but was turned down due to his age.
Without your support there would not be stories like this to share!
Thank you to everyone!!
AbnRangerM7, You are truly a class act! God bless you soldier and thank you for all that you do for this country!!