I know what the snotel website is, just need to know what the location names for the snotel data sensors for Grand Lake are. Are they Stillwater Creek, Wild Basin, Copeland Lake, Bear Lake, and/or Sawtooth? I am from out of state so any info would be greatly appreciated.
Gotcha. Well, I think there's only 1 snotel technically in the riding area up there and it's the Stillwater Creek site. But what I meant by zooming in is the ones around it should be representative of the riding area. For example, the Willow Creek Pass site might not be in the riding area but it's useful from an "is it snowing up there" perspective. The Never Summer one might also tell you about how much snow to expect in the riding area. Hopefully that helps some.
I generally check the neversummer snotel. I think it represents what you'll in the trees/shade better then stillwater which is on a south facing slope. .02