Avy packs work
Whether it's Snowpulse or ABS it will give you the same end results both have different systems to store,activate or contain bags. Most important is to pull the bag the second you think you're in trouble.I was caught in a 2.5 last spring, I got knocked out impacting my sled. If I had not pulled the bag the second the slope released, I would not have the opportunity to deploy the bag! If you and your riding partner are both hit by a slid, your bag keeps you up, but your buddy and both sleds are buried, you have a big job to do with no shovel.
Have a safe winter!
Whether it's Snowpulse or ABS it will give you the same end results both have different systems to store,activate or contain bags. Most important is to pull the bag the second you think you're in trouble.I was caught in a 2.5 last spring, I got knocked out impacting my sled. If I had not pulled the bag the second the slope released, I would not have the opportunity to deploy the bag! If you and your riding partner are both hit by a slid, your bag keeps you up, but your buddy and both sleds are buried, you have a big job to do with no shovel.
Have a safe winter!