ok, your not getting what I am talking about, so let me try something different here.
Ok, lets say you own a buisness building houses. within that buisness is a sub-buisness that sells the lumber to build said houses. Now your company isn't doing too good and you need cash.
What do you do, the bank has already loaned you more money than they wanted to and you know you can't get more from the bank.
But what you can do is sell the majority of the sub-buisness to someone and still have 49% of the company. Now you have money to help run your company since you sold 51% of the sub-company.
Well, guess what. Your a lousy buisnessman and your company is still going under.
Well your sub-company isn't doing so hot either. The primary on that company did some bad deals and is in financial trouble also.
Hey, your sub-company hasn't over extended itself, they could get another bank loan.
So that is what you do. The sub-company gets the loan.
Now you can't just take the money, that would be illegal.
However, you can get a line of credit with the company to get more lumber so you can continue to try and get your primary company going again. Since now the sub-company is on firm ground you can use it.
The sub-company isn't "owned" by you, you just use it. Sort of like a shell game. You still get a major lift by getting to put off the bills while operating on the banks money.
Same with GMAC and GM.
GM doesn't own GMAC, but you can bet your bottom dollar they will profit from GMAC getting the money.
Does that clear it up?