Then why did they put Obama up? You are contradicting yourself. You say Obama was put up by a secret society (even though he is a very unlikely candidate) then you say they don't care who is president.
Since you either are to lazy or uninterested to actually learn history and read what I have sugested here is some very pertinent info. There is lots more where this came from. Swampy
Saving the World For Socialism
How Soviet Dupe and Communist
Fellow Traveler Curtis MacDougall Trained
Today’s “ Progressive” Journalists
By Cliff Kincaid
With the advent of what Rush Limbaugh calls the “state-run-media” a reference to journalists ACTING AS SHILLS FOR THE Obama White House, many people are asking how and why journalism turned out this way. This is how they were trained.
Reed Irvine recognized the problem in 1969, founding Accuracy in Media to focus critical public attention on a left wing media bias, especially the effort to foce a U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam and create the conditions for a communinist takeover. “Indochina Without Americans: For Most a Better Life,” was the headline over the New York Times article. But the results were communist re-education camps, Vietnamese boat people and the genocide in Cambodia. …..
“While MacDougall was publicly a journalism educator, a member and president of the American Association of Teachers of Journalism, the FBI file demonstrates that he had a close association with the Chicago Star, a newspaper controlled by the Communist Party. MacDougall was scheduled to speak at a July 4th 1948, Chicago Star picnic…..
“ This relationship is significant for the additional reason that a 1949 report of the California Legislature Senate fact-Finding Committee on Un-American activities identified one of the members of the board of directors of the Chicago Star Publishing Company as Frank Marshall Davis, who would later become President Barack Obama’s childhood mentor in Hawaii. Davis a member of the communist party, was executive editor of the paper…
“ The FBI information also identifies MacDougall as one of the owners of the Illinois Standard, successor to the Chicago Star. An informant told the FBI that “the editorial policy of the Illinois Standard” was dictated by the communist party and the publication followed the communist party line throughout its period of existence.”…
“ The associations with the Chicago Star and the Illinois Standard do not show up on any official biographies of MacDougall, which strongly suggests that he tried to conceal this aspect of his life and career from his professional colleagues…..
“ Davis was also an associate of actor Paul Robeson, another secret member of the CPUSA, and so it appears was MacDougall. One FBI report reveals that MacDougall had asked to be sponsor of a meeting with Robeson. ….
“This attitude, in turn, helps explain the media failure, with few exceptions, to report the evidence that President Obama, during his growing-up years in Hawaii, was mentored by communist member Frank Marshall Davis, who functioned as Obama’s father figure. Bringing up such a matter would have constituted “McCarthyism”.
“in this context, Professor Paul Kengor of Grove City College has commented;
“This ongoing anti-anti-communisim is immediately evident in a quick conservation with your typical liberal in the press or acadamia. When I lecture at universities around the country, rattling off facts about the laterally unparalled communist destruction in the 20th Century-easily over 100 million people died under communism from about 1917-79—the youn people are riveted, clearly having never heard any of this in the classroom, whereas their professors roll their eyes, as if the ghost of JOE McCarthy had flown into the room and leaped into my body.”
“ Perhaps the most notorious Communist Party Front that MacDougall joined was the National Committee to Abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities. A National conference of this organization was held in Chicago on April 8th and 9th, 1967, and included MacDougall. Its 1969 conference was held in Washington, D.C., and included Frank Wilkinson, a CPUSA member who served a term in federal prison for contempt of the House Committee on Un-American activities: communist Mike Klonsky of the students for a Democratic Society, a friend of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; and Dr. Quentin Young, who like Ayers, would later emerge as a friend and ally of Barack Obama.”.........