We have had all our stuff stored at my parents shop for the last 2 months while we waited to move into our new home. I took all the couches and chairs, wrapped them in boat plastic and taped them up tight and then set everything on 8-10” blocks off the concrete. We put the high pitch noise makers that are suppose to keep mice away in a number of outlets, set moth balls out, and my parent’s acreage has a number of cats as well as 3 dogs that sleep in the same shop. With the mild winter, I didn’t worry too much about mice, but I went to start un-wrapping all our chairs and couches last night to start loading in our trailer and the little b**tards got into everything, not one piece of furniture doesn’t have a hole in it. I set traps out last night with no avail. So here is my question, any tips or tricks to make sure all those little SOBs are out of my stuff before I move it into my new home. I haven’t told my wife because she will want to buy new furniture, so if I have a mouse running around our house s**t will hit the fan. Its been pretty warm out, and moving it all around I didn’t see anything run out and all the turds are pretty dried up so I’m not too worried about any still hiding out, but I want to be sure.