I have 5 belts I did the exact same thing to in short order. Then per the recommendations of TRS and others, checked and changed my offest. Suddenly no more issues with the belts. NOTE: I do not run the polaris offset, Tony has the specs listed on how to set things.
The OEM belts will tolerate an insane amount of missalignment and abuse. They dont transmit power as well, but they definately hold up to abuse as more of a primary feautre. The carbon belts do not like any sort of missalignment or stupid abuse. They will show you very quickly if you have alignment issues. I kept scalping the one edge off the belts way worse then the ones shown. Destroyed the 5 VERY quickly. like average of 50 miles or less. Then after measuring my offset, it was at the edge of polaris spec. Moved it out another .140" per tonys spec and then a little fine tuning by seeing how it was wearing. Suddenly problem is gone and im 400 very hard miles on my next belt.
The factory sleds come in a LARGE variety of alignment specs hence why when folks throw them on some guys have no issues and others do.