California only has about 3% of the state's power made by coal fired power plants. They'll just phase them out. They are mostly worried that contracts with out of state providers, will be met by coal fired power plants.
The greenies don't mind building more power plants to power electric cars. They'll just want to be there to choose what kind of power plants are allowed, and how much scrubber technology is required to build a new plant. Not to mention, take the opportunity to force upgrades to old power plants.
Right now, automobile pollution is coming from 200 million individual tax payer owned vehicles. Kind of like herding cats to make 200 million people do "the right thing". But, if you centralize all your pollution into power plants, well then you can just keep squeezing the power companies for better scrubbers, carbon sequestering, etc...... Until the cost of driving your electric is outragous. After all a licensed power company has no choice, if they want their generation license to continue. And what do they care, they'll just pass the cost on to you and me.
I keep hearing all this wonderful talk about carbon sequesteration and how "we can do it" and all this but I've been hearing this talk for the last 10 years.
Natural gas is a FAR cleaner fuel when burned than coal, even so-called "clean-coal" and the "clean natural gas" technologies
already exist.
Have you ever noticed how on-the-bandwagon the Dems are about this environment thing and have been for the last 40 years, yet somehow magically back in the 70's they exempted something like %60 of the nation's coal-fired power plants from the new clean air act? I think it was in 76?
That couldn't have POSSIBLY been because of how heavily invested with the labor unions the Dems are, and coal mines work forces, especially the eastern mines and power companies, are HEAVILY union.
I still say that we could be an awful lot cleaner than we are right now if we made more use of natural gas as a fuel, even to generate electricity with.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't mine coal, or research coal sequesteration or whatever, I'm just saying that there are other technologies that
really actually do already exist but half of washington won't let anybody develop those resources
I can't help but think that if carbon or coal or whatever sequesteration and all this was an even remotley mature technology that we wouldn't be seeing an even larger push for it based on all that ..
But, saying the greenies don't mind building more power plants to power electric cars ..
Yeah they do. They throw ***** fits when somone wants to build a freaking WIND TURBINE, they have heart attacks when somone wants to build a power plant.