Just wondering what your thoughts are with the future. I see it this way: we had 200+ manufacturers in the 70's, now we have 4, 2 have merged and technically we have 3 now. The cost of a new sled is now approaching $18,000 CDN(some models). What comes out the tail pipe now dictates what a company can make. The emission thing to me came from the whole deal with Yellowstone. I don't care if you can sled there or not, there are many other places in North America you can ride. The entry level market is pretty much non existent. Polaris really makes the only sleds in this category(i.e. more then one model). In todays economic world, how the heck dose a family of 4 get into snowmobiling? 4 average sleds will cost in the range of $32,000(8G's a sled). Then there is the truck, trailer, gear and travel costs. Sleds are incorporating more tech, making them more complex and harder for DIY to repair. I love sledding, but I don't see a bright future, this is turning into more of a rich niche. I bought new in 2001(got for $6999+tax+PDI), still have the sled(wife's now), and my latest is a 06 600 HO RMK bought used last year. New and it is already 7 years old. I just can't justify the cost of 3-4 months of use for new. Can the industry survive? Thoughts?