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Future of education?


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Looks pretty good to me, especially the part about letting children learn at their own pace, and increasing the quality of time that is spent in the classroom between students and teachers.


What do you guys think? The results of the classroom example were very very interesting. Note the other speaker at the end.. Mr. Microsoft himself.
anything that helps our children compete internationally I support because at this time the public school systems in the US are horribly deficient. Japan, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan and most of the civilized world is kicking our butt by tuning out the hardest working smartest little ****kers you have even seen. We are in deep chit. If this helps....great.
anything that helps our children compete internationally I support because at this time the public school systems in the US are horribly deficient. Japan, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan and most of the civilized world is kicking our butt by tuning out the hardest working smartest little ****kers you have even seen. We are in deep chit. If this helps....great.
Did you watch the video?
So we all would rather complain about it then try and figure out solutions to educating our children?
I think the problem with education is the teachers teaching it. Many are not qualified or held to a high enough standard to actually be teaching what they teach. Put a kid through a school with a teacher that has only been taught by another teacher that has no real life experience but has been taught by another teacher that had four years of graduate school....if that made any sense. Start holding teachers accountable and make them have some real world experience in what they teach.
I did not watch your movie. Short attention span cause of my lack of education....
I think the problem with education is the teachers teaching it. Many are not qualified or held to a high enough standard to actually be teaching what they teach. Put a kid through a school with a teacher that has only been taught by another teacher that has no real life experience but has been taught by another teacher that had four years of graduate school....if that made any sense. Start holding teachers accountable and make them have some real world experience in what they teach.
I did not watch your movie. Short attention span cause of my lack of education....

you can;t baby kids...make them learn by hard rules and hard studing when they are young...that way they have a little bit going for them when they approach their teens..this learning at your own pace is for the mentally challanged
I did not watch your movie. Short attention span cause of my lack of education....
head meet wall.... I wonder if this is the same excuses children give in school. It is only 15 minutes, and is actually pretty good. This isn't a boring youtube video..

You talk about real world has a point and has merit, except when it comes to math, reading, writing, and pretty much everything else that is taught in high school and below. These schools are NOT designed to teach you how to work, they are designed to teach you how to learn and to give you the foundation for employers to teach you a job.

I think part of the problem might be the different mentality of what school actually is for.

Here is another one talking about teaching boys in school. Interesting points the speaker has (she is a female..)


Scott, you are a teacher, what do you think about these methods and methodologies.

Personally, I have been through a lot of schooling, and I think there is promise to what these people have to say / offer. I especially find it very interesting the results of letting kids learn at their own pace, and the damaging ramifications teaching everyone at the exact same pace can have on fundamentals of learning.
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you can;t baby kids...make them learn by hard rules and hard studing when they are young...that way they have a little bit going for them when they approach their teens..this learning at your own pace is for the mentally challanged
?? You didn't watch the video either? Jeez, America, the land of speaking about a subject without a clue as to what the real issues are, only basing your opinions of feelings. Maybe morality is better then reality?

I think to assume that all children require the same amount of time to learn every subject required in school is very naive. Kind of sounds like socialism... lol

Oh, and no one is saying to baby kids... not sure why you even bring that point up.

You know, thinking about this more, your point is what PARENTS should be teaching their kids. Teachers are there to teach fundamentals, parents are there to teach morals and to teach life lessons. I guess that is where people are getting confused these days?
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JSCC, the comment you just made also causes me to say WOW!!!!! Ruffy you hit the nail on the head about what schools should be teaching and what should be taught by parents. Someone said something about more teacher student 1 to 1 time that only happens with more teachers or less students in the school. My wifes class this yeat was 28 students. State accredidation standards call for no more than 20 students for that particular grade level anything over that and aid is to be in the classroom for 1,5 hours a day for every student over the standard. Which at 8 kids over standard meant there should have been at least 1 aid for 12 hours or 1.5 aids per and 8 hour day. She had an aid for 0 hours per day. You tell me how a teacher is to give quality time with every kid in a situation like that. Not to mention the fact that school districts have the blend attitude and want equal amounts of low, middle and high performing kids in each class. Is that fair for the performers? At this time I will not get into behavioral issues and kids who are moved into regular classes who have been in mental institutions, and are continually causing disruptions.
Ruff yes you have a point of lower education high school on down. But are we not talking about higher education and having the best schooling in the world?
Teachers have almost ZERO accountability. Nothing like a teacher that is inadequate for their job. Yet every time any amount of accountability is placed on them they cry foul and run to their union reps.
I grew up with a mother as a teacher. Love her dearly but ignorance is ignorance no matter how you want to dress it up. Teachers need to be held to a higher standard if you want kids to learn more.
And I might add I am a father of three and see what some of these teachers teach my kids. Some are excellent in their fields, some are not. Who is holding them accountable?

Wow is a response I would expect from a teacher. Now teach us why you think my statement is incorrect or wrong. I am open minded and am ok with being told I am wrong. But you have to prove my statement incorrect.
Ruff yes you have a point of lower education high school on down. But are we not talking about higher education and having the best schooling in the world?
Teachers have almost ZERO accountability. Nothing like a teacher that is inadequate for their job. Yet every time any amount of accountability is placed on them they cry foul and run to their union reps.
I grew up with a mother as a teacher. Love her dearly but ignorance is ignorance no matter how you want to dress it up. Teachers need to be held to a higher standard if you want kids to learn more.
And I might add I am a father of three and see what some of these teachers teach my kids. Some are excellent in their fields, some are not. Who is holding them accountable?

How do you know?
Someone said something about more teacher student 1 to 1 time that only happens with more teachers or less students in the school..............You tell me how a teacher is to give quality time with every kid in a situation like that.......
You didn't watch the video either, did you? How about have your wife watch it?

I am VERY interested in TEACHERS points of view on changing the method of teaching that goes on in the schools. I think the Khan university allows teachers to do what they are supposed to do, in a more efficient manor, while allowing for each INDIVIDUAL student to get a much better over all education.
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Ruff yes you have a point of lower education high school on down. But are we not talking about higher education and having the best schooling in the world?
Teachers have almost ZERO accountability. Nothing like a teacher that is inadequate for their job. Yet every time any amount of accountability is placed on them they cry foul and run to their union reps.
I grew up with a mother as a teacher. Love her dearly but ignorance is ignorance no matter how you want to dress it up. Teachers need to be held to a higher standard if you want kids to learn more.
And I might add I am a father of three and see what some of these teachers teach my kids. Some are excellent in their fields, some are not. Who is holding them accountable?
I think you are talking the issue of it being difficult to fire substandard teachers to an extreme..

Wow is a response I would expect from a teacher. Now teach us why you think my statement is incorrect or wrong. I am open minded and am ok with being told I am wrong. But you have to prove my statement incorrect.
Open minded but you say that other people need to prove your statement incorrect? Why not YOU prove your statement correct? Or is that what you think you did?
Ruffy, I didn't look at your links yet. When I have time to sit down and watch them, I will. And i will respond to them.

Ruff yes you have a point of lower education high school on down. But are we not talking about higher education and having the best schooling in the world?
Teachers have almost ZERO accountability. Nothing like a teacher that is inadequate for their job. Yet every time any amount of accountability is placed on them they cry foul and run to their union reps.
I grew up with a mother as a teacher. Love her dearly but ignorance is ignorance no matter how you want to dress it up. Teachers need to be held to a higher standard if you want kids to learn more.
And I might add I am a father of three and see what some of these teachers teach my kids. Some are excellent in their fields, some are not. Who is holding them accountable?

Wow is a response I would expect from a teacher. Now teach us why you think my statement is incorrect or wrong. I am open minded and am ok with being told I am wrong. But you have to prove my statement incorrect.

Why do I HAVE to disprove YOUR statemtns? YOU said them. It must be your teachers fault that you can't defend your own statements.
You're NOT open minded at all. You think ALL TEACHERS are the problem. Yeah, that's a blanket open minded statement there.
But it's probably your teacher's fault that you aren't open minded enough to understand it.

At 10:00 last night night, I wasn't going to sit down and type up anything for you.

So here ya go....For one, teachers and principals don't write curriculum or school policy. That is set by the State or local Consortium. Teachers must follow State defined education standards and teachers are subject to annual or bi-annual review by administrators.

What accountability are you referring to when you say "teachers have NO accountability"?

Most of the profession is bound by constraints set WAY outside of the Teacher's reach.
Go get permission, if you can, to sit in on an IEP and find out what can and cannot be done for a special-needs student or someone with learning difficulties. Your eyes just might be opened a tremendous amount. Teachers don't decide what course of action to take on that student. State laws and the parents make the decision. The staff can only inmplement a plan that is adopted based on what the state mandates they do, and finally, with consent of the parents. And it's the TEACHER's fault?

Now go throw parents into the mix, and MOST of the time it goes pretty well. But then again, you have those parents who admit right there they with-hold food, lock their kid in the closet, "gave him an *** beating" because he hid his homework in the barn or don't send them to school so the bruises go away first. I had a kid this year miss 55.5 days of school before the dad finally withdrew him. And that problem is caused by the TEACHERS?

EVERY KID is different. EVERY ONE. I don't have a class of 25. I could have 150 kids come and go through my room every day. When they come into my room today I have no idea if they got breakfast, didn't do their homework, were yelled at, fell and skinned their knee, went to bed without dinner, smoked dope, watched p0rn, listed to their parents fight (or worse), had their cat die, are feeling suicidal...and the list goes ON. I could have no idea what kind of baggage their life is dragging along today and how it affects their ability or willingness to learn. AND THAT'S THE TEACHER'S PROBLEM?

Sure, there are things that the field of education could do better. No doubt. BUT, there is a VERY LARGE degredation in our society. Drugs, alcohol, poor work ethic, lack of personal accountability, the crap they see on TV, poor parenting skills, helicopter parents or parents who neglect (both ends of the spectrum) or even abuse are not helping our children.

Who saw Dealiest Catch last night when the Cornelia Marie came into port and Jake Harris slipped off the boat to flee to the airport before the cops could catch him? I'm sure that's the fault of all of his teachers.

Naturally, as most people want to find the easy way out...and mostly, parents want our schools to help our kids perform better. However, parents are the first ones to complain about the amound of work their child brings home at night.

It all starts at home...parental involvement.

With a seat of the pants feel here (from 13 years experience)...Starting at a YOUNG age and following through until middle school or even high school, parents that are involved in their child's education, who sit down at night with them, implementing a positive, proactive and productive approach to overseeing their child's homework at night...those children achieve far better.
As a parent, when you turn a kid loose and expect him to get his homework done on his own without any oversight...that kid is likely not to perform as well. And I might even be understating that considerably.

If you have a problem with what your kids are being taught, go to the principal. Schedule a meeting. Ask to see the District curriculum guide. Have that administrator explain how the state standards are being met by this curriculum. I'm sure you'll find that the teacher is doing what they can and what they are supposed to. I'm sure you'll find that it's not the teachers, as a whole, who are the problem with the field of education like you stated.

My room is open before class begins. Students come in for help.
I have a duty free lunch...I give up my duty free lunch EVERY DAY for two reasons...holding students accountable for their behavior or to help students who need extra help.

I have students in my room an hour longer that I need to after school each day.

You and I don't live in the same town and we don't know each other's education system....but for you to say TEACHERS are the root of all the problems....spend some time getting to know them and their job a little more before you say that.

I started typing this 3 hours ago...but I've been busy with other important stuff...and I could come up with a LOT more strong examples and things to say in response to you, but I'm busy right now. I am assessing a bunch of 11 year old's grasp on the Literary Elements of a novel we just finished.
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anything that helps our children compete internationally I support because at this time the public school systems in the US are horribly deficient. Japan, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan and most of the civilized world is kicking our butt by tuning out the hardest working smartest little ****kers you have even seen. We are in deep chit. If this helps....great.

Dick, have you ever seen that report on how many Chinese students commit suicide?
I've heard that's a whole different deal over there. Quite the pressure cooker.
I think you are talking the issue of it being difficult to fire substandard teachers to an extreme..

You are probably right.

Open minded but you say that other people need to prove your statement incorrect? Why not YOU prove your statement correct? Or is that what you think you did?

Prove might have not been the appropriate word but you are really just arguing semantics and not adding anything to the conversation.
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