Though not a direct answer to your question, on my '11 there is a separate fuel pump power plug(not to be confused with the ECU power plug) that can be used for directly powering the fuel pump circuit.
If the '13s are equipped with this plug you could simply introduce 12 volts into that circuit to run the pump?
Look in the bag full of electrical connections on top of the belt cover. There will be a white 2 prong plug that isn't hooked to anything. That is the plug to supply 12v to the fuel pump.
This is the fuel pump power-up connector on my 2012...
As mentioned, within pouch along with other connectors, in front/above primary clutch. Cant recall wire colors.. Someone will verify i bet , but if not, check which one has continuity to ground and youll figure it out.
Edit: No, no thats not. Thats a tennis ball cannon. Haha. Lets try this again...
Thanx guys. Used the plug to the pump direct. THEN I looked in the tank lol.
Kinda funny but I guess I've been too trouble free lol. Had some hic-ups at the end of the ride and imagined problems from experience from the last Cat lol. Turns out I did almost run out of fuel.