Personally, I would stay away from additives. There was a thread this summer showing fuel lines inside of an IQ tank that were discolored, rotted, and falling apart. Stay with good fuel, regular filter replacements, and get your injectors professionally cleaned instead of using a cleaner that may or may not be beneficial in the end. Kinda like octane boosters...waste of money.
If you decide to use a fuel inj cleaner... put it in the tank just as you are leaving for the daily ride... Ride the tank empty and then add fresh fuel.
Personally, I like Morsno's suggestions... but if you DO run it.....
umm..use works...really works..and it wont harm anything in the fuel system..besides cleaning the injectors, lines throttle bodies, pump...well everything the fuel touches from the tank to the also disperses water, is a very good fuel stabilizer..and just works....most parts stores carry..napa, shucks, carquest....