Now I don't know the history of you, fordy, puke and I really don't care if you all sat and had dinner last night or any other night. I asked a question about Pukeandride and his problem with the moderators. That was all. I'm not trying to get in the middle of anything between those two, my question was for Pukeandride.
But I find it funny that you accuse me of following you around and yet you are the one who stuck your nose in this and you are the one who started this thread trying to make something out of nothing. Almost like you were following me around, do you not see the humor in this?
So Bubba how about you go back to post #8 in this thread and answer those questions? Or better yet I'll re post it for you to make it easy. After all you started this thread to get answers right? yet you won't answer the questions of the very person you tried to call out. Or are you just going to send me some PM from your buddy or alter or whatever like last time telling me to be nice to you again?
From Post #8;
So now my question to you Bubba........Why does it matter to YOU? You started this thread and asked the question about my personal dealings on another site. But why did you feel so compelled to take time out of your day to ask me this? Did you really think that Snowest Management told me to be removed from that site? And if they did what kind of person do you think I am that I would agree to that? Or is it that you just can't believe that somebody would rather not be a member of BCR? Just seams funny to me that of all the things you could be doing during the Christmas season you chose to do this.