Hey I have a question also. Why is it OK for you to use profanity on a site that kids and families visit? Does that seem OK to you? I know you have a question for Christopher and that is fine. But why do you need to swear to ask your question?
the last post i quoted says my side pretty good but
i'm 16 and everybody i know swears a couple times a day at lest nomatter what
I'll explain. You choose the one you like the best.
This forum is owned by a business. That business needs to make money to continue "being in business." Forum advertising generates money, but not enough to cover operating expenses. Therefore, SnoWest decided to charge.
Or, many think that SnoWest should use the forums as a loss leader (ie, run the forums at a loss to stimulate magazine sales). However, that would only work if it was actually stimulating magazine sales. Magazine sales are lagging, therefore SnoWest decided to charge.
Or, magazine companies are increasingly threatened with extinction in the internet era. They have to find some way to create a primary revenue stream using the internet, or die. Therefore, SnoWest decided to charge.
Or, SnoWest is run by morons. Therefore, they decided to charge.
My guess is that a few will go with the last option.
i forgot what i was going to say about this
It truley is about the money plain and simple.In another thread on this site a sled dealer stated that shop rate are up to as much asc 100 an hour now because of no sled sales and they have to get it some where. same as here these magazines are nothing but a bunch of advertising and not worth reading at all. i paid here but am slowly moving away. some qwill stay some will not.In my opinion the break up of the old snowest is tragic to say the least.
yes i know its about money if they didn't want money they would not have changed this. and why make us pay if thinks start coasting more make the sponcers pay more and up untill all the admins we didn't have any problems
why the *$&%^ are we even having a $%&*$ing conversatio about foul language when it's asterisked out in the first place?
Does this not seem moronic to ANYONE else??
Btw, if you're old enough to be on a computer & surfing the intrawebz, you've heard all sorts of *!**ing swear words. Thank goodness the holier than thou types are protecting us from ourselves.
Also, any woman who sleds is a badass in the first place & has heard it before, probably the first time they got stuck & told their **^*ing husband to get the **** over here & help out!!!!!:
SO @#*@# you then!!!!![]()
i like that one. haha