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Mafesto,It is plain to see that you have never been in a situation where you dedicate your drive, talents, heart and soul ,hard work and determination into progressing a company to the top. All this time you are missing your kids dance recitals, ball games and anything else that a good dad would want to do with his family.What I learned is if you become ultra capable to deal with problems, do a good job, don't use any sick days, become certified to deal with some of the legalitys of this industry, it really doesn't matter because after ten years the company get's sold the shareholders make a mint and the employees who pushed it to the top get bent over a garbage can ;pants jerked to their ankles and you know what happens next not even a thank you. Now I have been on both sides and what I have seen is it is hard to find a union hand that will work as hard as a scab. I know I made more money, had better benefits and was appreciated more when I was union.One thing you people need to know-I AM NOT PRO UNION but I know if we would have had a union at my other job my time would of been well spent- without it I got screwed.