there is an option to go back to the Original photobucket. i did the minute they updated it. i also hated the new style.
Hello Danzick I got it kinda figured out but How did you get back to the original site, My PC isn`t powerful or new enough to handle all the stuff goin on on the new site is incredibly slow.
TABLEROCK, if this works this is what it looks like just take a marker on the inside of the panel and draw a line on the side cover using the backside of the footwell support as you guide and trim the panel with a jigsaw or somethin to that line and take a bit more off it you need to with a sander
Here is a rear view of it, you can get your feet a few inch farther forward and I like it when you setting down at high speeds on the trail you can slide back and put your feet farther forward and out farther on the boards for more body support when layin fast in a corner help to keep ya planted on the seat.
One more an additional mod. I took the above the boot loop out, the one that wraps around and the bolts go thru, some slide the loop piece up as high as they can or slot the hole more so should be able to take one of your riding boots and put it in the footwell and twist it sideway laying it over and if it binds up or catch on the loop piece then cut it out thats what I did, I learned this mod from a gut on dootalk that almost broke his ankle cause he fell off the side of the sled and the footwell loop piece caught his boot and drug him along and sprained his ankle really bad, I had a same instance happen to me but luckily I had already cut the loop out.
also ground out the rivet nuts that used to be in the support and smoothed up the godie weld around the outer bend area.
Since this pic was taken I have installed Snow Eliminators , and the new chassis I have swapped to Has a VE Drop and Rolled chaincase kit installed so part of the inside of this footwell support is notched out to clear the black plastic speedo piece, Will swap the Eliminator to the chassis also, I have to redo this mod to my new sidepanels also. waitin on the bumper I haven`t received yet, Anyway.
Have you done the steering post forward mod yet?
Hope this helps ya out, Wildcard