'You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little EDIT up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?'
Take from it what you will, have a few good laughs at some flatlanders, green horns, and sled rookies.
The only thing funny about this are the shananigins pulled while riding. Yeah us flatlanders may look a little different and ride a bit different. But let me tell you none of these people are funny! This is a very VERY serious ordeal for many of us! These videos are more of a documentary showing the other flatlanders what we do while snowmachining out west. Let me tell you that is tough because after explaining what out west is we lose most of our audience.
People also find it funny that we eat breakfast 2 or 3 times before leaving in the morning. Laugh uncontrollably at one anothers mis-fortune. and $Hit in the woods daily! BUT again THIS IS NOT FUNNY! ITs actualy a cause and effect 3 breakfast = $hit in woods = misfortune = happy flatlanders!
So yeah our sub-par videos and comedy acts are here for you professionals to laugh at. But remember we are not having fun acting as comedians, we are not having fun getting stuck in the flats, and we as flatlanders in general don't have fun. So don't watch the videos cause you wont have fun either at least you shouldn't.