May 13, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 93)]
[Page 27490-27491]
Idaho Panhandle/Kootenai/Lolo National Forests; Lincoln and
Sanders Counties, MT; Boundary and Bonner Counties, ID; and Pend
Oreille County, WA; Forest Plan Amendments for Motorized Access
Management within the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare a supplemental environmental impact
statement to amend land and resource management plans for the Idaho
Panhandle, Kootenai and Lolo National Forests.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service will prepare a Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (SEIS) for Motorized Access Management within the
Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery Zones to present
additional information on grizzly bear mortality and population trends
and account for uncertainty in relevant grizzly bear research. The SEIS
will include a detailed analysis of Alternative D Modified and
Alternative E that reflect the current condition of habitat security
for grizzly bears. The Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was
published in the Federal Register (66 FR 57717) on November 16, 2001
and notice of the Final EIS (67 FR 11692) was published on March 15,
2002. On March 24, 2004, the Record of Decision (ROD) was signed that
amended the Forest Plans for the Kootenai, Lolo and Idaho Panhandle
National Forests. The ROD amended the objectives, standards, and
guidelines that address grizzly bear management within the Selkirk and
Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery Zones.
Alternative E was selected for implementation, with the
incorporation of terms and conditions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service's (USFWS) Biological Opinion.
On December 13, 2006, U.S. District Court Judge Donald Molloy ruled
against the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
in a lawsuit brought by the Cabinet Resource Group, Great Bear
Foundation, Idaho Conservation League, Natural Resources Defense
Council, and Selkirk Conservation Alliance. Judge Molloy ordered that
the 2002 Final Environmental Impact Statement and 2004 Record of
Decision be set aside as contrary to law and that the matter be
remanded to the Forest Service for preparation of a new environmental
analysis that complies with 40 CFR 1502.22 (a) and (b). As a result of
an action considered no longer valid, on May 17, 2007, the USFWS
withdrew its Biological Opinion for the Forest Service's proposed
DATES: Scoping is not required for supplements to environmental impact
statements (40 CFR 1 502.9(c)(4)). There was extensive public
involvement in the development of the proposed action, the 2001 Draft
ETS and the 2002 Final EIS, and the Forest Service is not inviting
comments at this time. The agency expects to file a Draft SETS with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and make it available for public,
agency and tribal government comment in July 2008. A Final SETS is
expected to be filed in April 2009.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Paul Bradford, Forest Supervisor,
Kootenai National Forest, 31374 U.S. Hwy 2 West, Libby, MT 59923-3022.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kirsten Kaiser, Grizzly Bear Access
Amendment Interdisciplinary Team Leader (406) 283-7659.
Responsible Officials: Ranotta McNair, Idaho Panhandle National
Forests-Forest Supervisor; Paul Bradford, Kootenai National Forest-
Forest Supervisor; and Deborah Austin, Lob National Forest-Forest