not trying to hijack the thread but, can someone help me with my camera at all? i have a nikon d80 that i dont have a clue about but, it takes good pics of landscapes but, not so good when i take pics of people or cars etc.. im wondering if it has to do with my lens.. its a less expensive quantaray lens.. i have been using the "P" setting.
great shots!! you always inspire me, some of your shots are what made me want to get into photography years ago... thanks alot! almost as expensive as a sled!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!! Graham, as always, WOW. The depth is amazing, your eye for composition always a winner. Thanks.
Drop the "p".. start working in shutter or aperture priority. It'll give you a start in controling the picture. And start bracketing (one shot they way you think it should be, and then at least a couple on either side). It'll teach you what's happening with your subject through your choices. Of course, I ain't the one to talk to.... Graham...?