Long story short...I have been on Sleds for many years and have run them all from stock to turbos. I wanted to try snow bikes but didn't want to spend the $10-15K to do it "right". I had a 2004 KTM 450EXC in the garage that I ride a couple times a year but after reading way too many threads thought I needed a newer fuel injected bike then needed to add thousands of dollars of extras and spend $5-7K on a kit to do it right. Put it off a couple of years till I had an older kit drop in my lap for a really good price. Decided to bolt it on and go ride, it can be done. I know I will do some mods to it but fun can be had with no changes. A $3k bike with a $2k kit and a $20k grin on my face. This thread is to encourage others that are on the fence to pull the trigger and just do it. I have a little different prospective as I have the funds to go buy a new bike and what ever kit I would like but for me it was a challenge to have fun with as little effort and money as possible and it was easier that I thought. A couple more rides and getting my wife out on it then we might just transition to snow bikes who knows.