We rode another 3 days this last week, snow was not the best but in trees we had foot or two of untouched, pretty technical riding and found it such a handful.. Sucked up limiter 4 holes and it was much much more manageable, other than just off the start and the last few mph at wot, all was good and climbed some pretty decent climbs
Going to try the tmotion lockout next, I still found it a bit to Darty, but think this could be a decent next step.. Final would be a better rear shock or springs to prevent suspension sag in the steep..
Plan to do boost install early January once motor is broke in and then plan a complete driver and skid swap..
No problems so far with belt and primary stays around the 78-8100, will drop clickers or add a few grams for next ride
Out with a few other G4 155s and what a joke it was to watch them climbing, skids had no chance and a few came right over on driver in a climb.. Really made you wonder who is testing these things out, and what conditions they put them threw..
Keep in mind that many people ride much differently than you and in much different places than you. Alot of our riding in the lower 48 is much smaller terrain, and we do alot less straight up climbing. Ski lift can be a fun thing, and is something to be expected (to a certain extent) on 15x” sleds.
The torsion springs need to go though, thats for sure.