First Place Parts
Mark here, the owner of
This is long so bare with me.
I do understand the frustration that has come from First Place Parts. Here are my reasons, excuses, and general thoughts, take them anyway you want. I may jump around to cover all topic, sorry.
Yes we had the same problem last year: we doubled our square footage this year, hired more people and added bar coding, hoping all this would help. We have 8 full time employees and at some times 4 or 5 part time people working. We cannot just hire more full time people at the spur of the moment; they could not even answer the phone because our order processing takes some training.
***Here is the main reason we are behind, take it for what it is worth. ALL THIS took place while you all were posting about not getting your products. If you were going to loose your kids what would you do?
I have a couple of key employees, two sisters, who run the show. One of them has 3 kids and their dad decided a couple of years ago to go get the hell out of town, then when he had to start paying child support he took her to court for custody. He is a looser and, she is a VERY good mom. She was gone for over a week dealing with this, and that does not include the time she spent meeting with the lawyer before hand to get the case ready to go to court. The person who runs the show is her sister, so she had to go to court also. THUS the two people who run the day to day operation at First Place Parts were gone, during our busiest time of the year.
Yes it cost me money and yes I have a lot of pissed of customers, but that is nothing compared to having one of my employees have their kids taken away.
Oh and if First Place Parts is such a bad company, who do you think paid for her Lawyer bills, ME!!!
So these two do all the emails, orders from suppliers and much more. Now on to last year, the person who does ALL OF OUR ORDER PROCESSING had a death in the family and was gone during our busiest time of the year for over a week. I had to let a person go because he sent an email that was way off base. So last year we were also down on staff during our busiest time of the year, *Call it bad luck or whatever you want but it has not been good, for us or the consumer.
Now on to the comment made by “carpainter29”: “Seriously, if i ran the body shop this way i wouldn’t have any customers”. So if you can finish, let’s say, 4 cars a week. Then next week you get 8 cars, then your estimator has a death in the family, then next week you have 16 cars and your 2 main body men have to leave for a week. You cannot refuse the business, just as we cannot shut down the web site. WHAT are you going to tell those 16 people when they want their car finished in a week? Could you go out and JUST hire more people like I am told to do!
On top of all this: Klim, Castle X, Arctiva, 509, BCA, MotorFist, Slednecks, and many more, are out of stock and in many cases are not getting any more products. We pre-seasoned so much stuff it is not even funny, it just sold that fast and then when we want more the suppliers tell us they are out.
!!!! So yes we have not been answering every phone call or every email, but we have been answering the phone and responding to emails when we can. And yes we can do better and hopefully will in the future, but it seems each year we are stating in the hole. I will guarantee that NO ONE in the industry is working more hours or harder than we are. When I have employees working until 1 or 2 in the morning, what more do we need to do. We are a family run business and literally working 7 days a week and sometimes 18 hours a day.
I could go on for pages, I better just end here.