Price for the big boost turbo
That looks like one heck of a huff pot there!!!! looks real good! how does it compare in price with the others, SRS, boondockers, twisted ect. ect.
Well we think the big savings come when you pull the turbo off your sled and buy a new one. The whole point of this turbo was to make it so you would not lose your investment in the turbo. Everything hooks on to the stock locations, so with all the time you save with an install time of under 5 hours; we can put it on in under 3 hours. You also save on not having to sell your sled with the turbo included, because of all the holes you would have if you took all the other turbo kits off your machine, you also do not have to find a new stock pipe and waste a kit, on the BIG BOOST TURBO by MTNTK you can use this kit on any 08 09 2010 and probably your 2011 Polaris 800. The 08 and 09 kits have one part that is different from the 2010 because of the stock pipe, and you can change that for under $100. There is over 1000 hours of development and testing into this kit alone with all the drawings of where the Turbo needs to sit, in relation to the center of the machine. Even right down to how the weight is centered in the middle of the sled for proper weight distribution. So all you guys don’t have to over compensate LOL
All that goes into the cost, the biggest savings on this kit is the ability to move from one machine to the next without losing the initial investment.
The (PULL THE ROPE AND RIDE KIT) $5,200 this includes all clutch kit and vent kit and blow off valve, most of the others stated above do not come with those in the base price, which seems funny because you absolutely NEED them to run a turbo, It is not like you can ride without the clutching and vent kits and the blow off valve extends the life of the turbo. I can see why others companies don’t provide one on their base kit. One of the other major points we set out to prove was to provide a kit that would allow you to ride day in and day out without having to replace parts and tinker, we just wanted to ride all day long without having to fix.
THE (KICK GAS) Race gas set up $6,200
So if you ask us the cost of this turbo is considerably lower!