Angry White Man versus Doctor
GOOD ONE! Yes, please make sure to follow up. Off topic - I've been typing medical records for 20 years and have some stories. Latest one was they found a guy had swallowed his dentures (he was out of it - kinda like in a coma), so they cut him open and look and look in his belly, but the doc doesn't mention finding the dentures, so they sew him up and that's it. I called the operating room to find out what the heck happened, and come to find out the dude was laying on his dentures when they took the x-ray of his abdomen. Oops.
Best article I've read in a long time.
I'm tired of driving to work everyday asking myself why everybody I know hates Hilary and Obama and MaCain, and yet we are where we are. The truth is the smart people are largely out numbered by the dumb people. Like Ron White said " you can't fix stupid"
I had to go in and get a steroid shot last week so I could enjoy the rest of the riding season. The doctor portion of the $1,200.00 cost was $800.00. It took less then 5 minutes to give me the shot. He had a shot scheduled every 10 minutes all day, his nurse told me he did'nt even break for lunch, you do the math. In the mean time the angry white man works his @$$ off to afford health insurance. The best part is while I was getting the shot he found out I have a plow on the front of my truck and he ask me to plow his office parking lot the next time it snowed. I've now plowed it twice. It took me 1/2 hour each time. I just sent him a bill for $4,800.00. I can't wait to get his phone call. I'm ready to have an angry white man conversation with him.
GOOD ONE! Yes, please make sure to follow up. Off topic - I've been typing medical records for 20 years and have some stories. Latest one was they found a guy had swallowed his dentures (he was out of it - kinda like in a coma), so they cut him open and look and look in his belly, but the doc doesn't mention finding the dentures, so they sew him up and that's it. I called the operating room to find out what the heck happened, and come to find out the dude was laying on his dentures when they took the x-ray of his abdomen. Oops.