got the 06 900 i am building running today, just need to button up a few things.
1. installed 2 trail tech fog lights, work great.
2. no gauges however...
im working on searching for common issues, but in the meantime would like to get some other inputs.
--i have switched the chassis relay with 3 gauges.
--i have powered up the gauges using the red/white and brown wires...gauges do work.
--disconnected everything from the handlebars (warmers/kill switch) so i have elminated a pinched wire on the bars grouding gauges
--i have NOT checked the power on the chassis relay as per compfusions statement below..
so while i am searching for common issues, anyone have any suggestions?
1. installed 2 trail tech fog lights, work great.
2. no gauges however...
im working on searching for common issues, but in the meantime would like to get some other inputs.
--i have switched the chassis relay with 3 gauges.
--i have powered up the gauges using the red/white and brown wires...gauges do work.
--disconnected everything from the handlebars (warmers/kill switch) so i have elminated a pinched wire on the bars grouding gauges
--i have NOT checked the power on the chassis relay as per compfusions statement below..
The red (terminal 30)at the chassis relay is the regulated supply. It is switched through the relay to the red/white(term 87) to power the chassis equipment.
Check from the red/white to brown for voltage to see if the chassis relay is working properly. If incorrect or no voltage check from the red to brown (ground) to determine the regulator output. Regulated supply is also present at terminal 85 (red) to provide coil voltage to close the relay and is ground switched through the ECU.
BTW the relay is a common 4/5 pin found used to switch on driving lights and such
so while i am searching for common issues, anyone have any suggestions?