Do you hate your job now cuz you can't chat with me all night?
I'd listen to these guys on here. Wouldn't jump ship just yet. Every other week would be fun wrenching on sleds (I wish I could have done that on during my 7 on 7 off days), but would it ruin your desire to work/play with your own toys, if that's what you had to do everyday? Maybe not. Also, as a sled mech. you'd probably get busy, and may have to give up some riding time to keep up around the shop. Again, maybe that's not a concern. What if you find a gal, settle down and start popping out little J's? You're week off would be awesome, getting to spend that much time with them, and if you stuck with nights, you'd be working when you couldn't hang out with them anyway. Heck, I'm not much older than you, but with Jr. set to arrive in July, things have already started changing. I gave up my 7 on 7 off for the lifestyle change (loving every minute of it), but now working 4 10's (7a-6p), there won't be a lot of time for me to get in father/son bonding time when they are in bed by 7 or 8. Get the pickup paid off first, along with all other little payments, then see what the mortgage is vs. what you'd pull in as a mech. Like someone mentioned earlier, if you decide to go, and don't burn bridges, you can always try to get back out in the field if you need/want to in the future. Best of luck to ya buddy, but I wouldn't just plug the nose and jump...spend some time really thinking about it (write out you lists of pro's and con's for each decision). Whatever you decide, we'll all support ya!
Do you hate your job now cuz you can't chat with me all night?

I'd listen to these guys on here. Wouldn't jump ship just yet. Every other week would be fun wrenching on sleds (I wish I could have done that on during my 7 on 7 off days), but would it ruin your desire to work/play with your own toys, if that's what you had to do everyday? Maybe not. Also, as a sled mech. you'd probably get busy, and may have to give up some riding time to keep up around the shop. Again, maybe that's not a concern. What if you find a gal, settle down and start popping out little J's? You're week off would be awesome, getting to spend that much time with them, and if you stuck with nights, you'd be working when you couldn't hang out with them anyway. Heck, I'm not much older than you, but with Jr. set to arrive in July, things have already started changing. I gave up my 7 on 7 off for the lifestyle change (loving every minute of it), but now working 4 10's (7a-6p), there won't be a lot of time for me to get in father/son bonding time when they are in bed by 7 or 8. Get the pickup paid off first, along with all other little payments, then see what the mortgage is vs. what you'd pull in as a mech. Like someone mentioned earlier, if you decide to go, and don't burn bridges, you can always try to get back out in the field if you need/want to in the future. Best of luck to ya buddy, but I wouldn't just plug the nose and jump...spend some time really thinking about it (write out you lists of pro's and con's for each decision). Whatever you decide, we'll all support ya!