I am looking for someone who has run ez-ryde on a pro.
I am afraid it will do such a good job holding the front end down it will make the sled harder to ride when it's not steep. There are times I need the front end to be light. My sled is stock. Can this be adjusted to my liking?
The only experience I have with ez-ryde is one mounted in an xp. It is absolutely horrible. It does not float at all. He is constantly stuck. We tried adjusting a few things with no positive change yet. SO... How does the skid do in fresh powder?
I am asking these questions because I am trying to decide on ez-ryde or a stock skid with ice age rails and float shocks.
I am looking for someone who has run ez-ryde on a pro.
I am afraid it will do such a good job holding the front end down it will make the sled harder to ride when it's not steep. There are times I need the front end to be light. My sled is stock. Can this be adjusted to my liking?
The only experience I have with ez-ryde is one mounted in an xp. It is absolutely horrible. It does not float at all. He is constantly stuck. We tried adjusting a few things with no positive change yet. SO... How does the skid do in fresh powder?
I am asking these questions because I am trying to decide on ez-ryde or a stock skid with ice age rails and float shocks.