don't ride for a while
two days after my surgery, Togwotee got pounded with 3 feet of fresh pow so I loaded up the sleds. after 3 of the best days of riding in my life, I came home to an infection in my right eye. after two weeks the Dr decided that they needed to RIP the flap back open & SCRAPE all the infection & debris off my eye & then start the whol eyedrop process over again! After I sat in the chair the Dr took one final look & then decided to just try a different drop which was like washing my eyes with bleach. It burned pretty bad for about 30 seconds & then I could see perfectly. So thankfully there was no ripping involved! I did get a free Vikoden (sp?) out of the deal though!!
the surgery has been the best thing I have ever spent money on though. I love it! Especially for sledding! I used to hit trees all the time and break a bumper per trip. since the surgery over a year ago, I have only broke one bumper & that had nothing to do with my eyes. before the surgery, my depth perception was way off. I couldn't accurately judge how far away a tree was. Now, it's perfect. Everyone asks me what I did because I am that much better of a rider.
sleep a lot the day of the surgery, use your drops, & protect your eyes! You'll love it!