I would never pay $750.00 for a helmet, and I don't own an avy pack either and probably never will. Sure, you can say I'm cheap, or give me the old line about how much money is invested in truck, trailer, sleds, coat, boots, ect etc etc, what's a little more $$$ for your safety? But where do you draw the line?? Snowmobiling, along with many other things we do carry certain risks, always will. Yes you can minimize those risks, but again at what cost. I can remember the days when snowmobiling gear was boots, coat, gloves, bibs, helmet, and facemask. That was it. We didn't have beacons, shovels, probes for years!! The word avalance was rarely even mentioned, but now we have beacons for everyone, and at least one shovel per rider (2 in some cases, 1 in sled, 1 in back pack) and a couple sets of probes. Snowmobiling has gotten increasingly expensive enough over the years with all the usual costs associated with it, let alone adding on outfitting a family of riders with $1000.00 avy packs, and $750.00 brain buckets. Safety is great, and good on them that can afford these things, but they are not in my budget. Maybe some day we will all just ride around on our sleds in a heated shock absorbing bubble that floats on top of the snow.