Keep it real boys. The Nytro still ain't a mountain sled. Sure some groovy changes, well thought out improvements, but, reality sucks guys, some of you can keep trying to convince us (or you ) that its a mountain riders choice to ride stock. C'mon, it ain't true and we all know it. Great sled, awesome reliability and easy to carve, but in FUN snow,like steep powder, deep powder tree riding, not many would make their first choice a heavy 130 HP wanna be mountain sled. And yeah I know, you can buy one of the most expensive sleds then spend MORE coin on lightweight , but why, sure you can get the weight down and then you'll have a lighter 130 HP sled that still won't compete with the M8, XP, or the D8 that are lighter with 150 ish HP. Whats the point.
And yeah yeah, I know, you ride yours and follow your buddies everywhere. Baloney, been there, rode with that, saw it again and again, actually only happens on the internet. In the deep powder we all love, it DON'T compete. Thats reality and we all know it.
So, my opinion, sadly, is Yammi is gonna lose some of the market share it worked so hard for the last 3 years or so. Thats too bad, the boost guys will still be on board, but the number of stock riding Yammi guys is gonna shrink again. Whatever their reasons,.....they didn't listen.
well said