So my guys do a repair to a wrecked 07 Pacifica..frame light damage sway in front but isolated to front. This gal that owns it has literally got a magnafing glass out and says she sees a flaw in the paint. I am doing everything I can to please this gal but she is over the top phsyco. Heck when she was leaving she was letting preasure ever so lightly off the brake pedal causing vehicle to creep and we all know if you do that you get a creeking noise from brakes...she tells me it never did that before. Im like WTF how can you responsibly answer stupidity. She brings it back to me today and says the tank had 1/2 tank and it was at 1/8 tank when she picked it up and now wants gas re-imbursment for gas that was stolen. Also she took it to another mechanic and he said brakes are not suppose to do that.. I told her to take it over to him and have it fixed and I would pay the bill. She said he doesnt actually work on cars anymore. Never wanted to beoitch slap a gal but she is getting close. BTW, her husband wont even come around he cowers to this gal.