May 21, 2009
Trevor Harmon
Dear Trevor:
I am adamantly opposed to the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act and will work to make sure that this legislation does not pass the Senate. This is another example of legislators from places nowhere near the Rocky Mountains trying to tell Wyoming and other rural states how to manage our land. Those of us in the Senate from rural states won't stand for this and will work to block this legislation.
The people who are on the ground know the value of the land they live and work on and enjoy every day. Decisions about land management must be made by the people who will be affected by these kinds of designations. I will continue to work to promote sensible public lands policies that encourage public access and multiple use. I will oppose any attempt to force restrictive designations on Wyoming lands from big city legislators trying to choke off access to areas that were intended for the use and enjoyment of the entire country.
Michael B. Enzi
United States Senator
P.S. You can get a more complete view of all my activities in the Senate by visiting my web page and also signing up for my e-newsletter. Visit for more information.
Trevor Harmon
Dear Trevor:
I am adamantly opposed to the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act and will work to make sure that this legislation does not pass the Senate. This is another example of legislators from places nowhere near the Rocky Mountains trying to tell Wyoming and other rural states how to manage our land. Those of us in the Senate from rural states won't stand for this and will work to block this legislation.
The people who are on the ground know the value of the land they live and work on and enjoy every day. Decisions about land management must be made by the people who will be affected by these kinds of designations. I will continue to work to promote sensible public lands policies that encourage public access and multiple use. I will oppose any attempt to force restrictive designations on Wyoming lands from big city legislators trying to choke off access to areas that were intended for the use and enjoyment of the entire country.
Michael B. Enzi
United States Senator
P.S. You can get a more complete view of all my activities in the Senate by visiting my web page and also signing up for my e-newsletter. Visit for more information.