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Eagle River is open...

Rode a coupla miles with the kids at mile 7.4. There is a lot of overflow/open water in the slough, we rode the access trail that heads east and crosses the bridge. We did run into some thin ice/overflow along the river too, so be careful. Ranger said Bailey bridge is open too, where there is lots of parking and easy access without a narrow corridor what has more skiers than sleds (a problem with mile 7.4). Snow is 1' fresh, no base, so not exactly epic, but close and fun day with the kids, who only wanna ride a couple of hours anyway.

Don't forget you'll need current registrations, $5 parking fee, and a pen to fill out the envelope (I forget every year). Please also be courteous to the skiers. Some of them are having a hard time coming to grips with sharing "their" spot, though some are great, and the ranger was very cool.


Additional information on riding Eagle River. Don't want to see anyone busted for riding in closed areas.

Only the surface of Eagle River and its gravel bars from the confluence of Icicle Creek and Eagle River in Section 25, Township 13 North, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian, downstream to the Glenn Highway are open to snowmobiles. The South Fork and Meadow Creek are closed.

Access to the snowmachine area are via the Eagle River Nature Center (Mile 12 Eagle River Road) or the North Fork Access (Mile 7.4 of Eagle River Road). At the North Fork Access, you will need to use the bridge and trail to get to the main river. Travel on the North Fork is very hazardous. While on the river, beware of thin ice, open water and overflow.

PDF Map of Chugach State Park Snowmachine Trails

State Park Website
Hey there, Have you heard if/when they are going to open Ptarmigan? Used to ride there quite a bit when I lived in Chugiak but seems hard to figure out when it is open,
Ptarmigan was wind-blown like you wouldn't believe.. Great on the trail ride up, and at the top it was blowin about 30 or so. Wind scoured to the tundra in most places. Chances are they'll close it Monday, but the ranger indicated they'd try and open it whenever possible this year.
Ptarmigan was fun in spots but totally blown out in others, especially up on the ridges. It made for an interesting ride as the snow was a powdery 2-3 ft in places and then wind scoured or very hard wind slab in others...kept you on your toes for sure.
The ranger was very cool and wants to get it open as much as possible, but he did say they would probably have to close it tomorrow due to the wind blowing all the snow off and exposing too much vegetation.

Also two guys with a four place and 2 Polaris sleds on it pulled out of the lot and left their loading ramp, we tried to flag them down..but no luck. We set it off to the side in hopes they will return.
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How the riding up in Peters Creek? I've flown over that a bunch of times and saw snowmachine tracks up there in past years. Some steep terrain and a good chance of avy danger from what I could see.
FWIW, the ranger said on saturday that bailey bridge access would also be open...cannot confirm.

Is Bailey Bridge the name of the bridge at the Glenn Highway? That is the lower end of the riding area but the road is closed every winter into the park, so I would guess that it is closed to sleds? There is also the Briggs Bridge park below Eagle River Loop Road, but I've never heard of it being open to sleds either? If anyone has any official information of any other legal access beside the 7.4 and Nature Center points please pass it on. I wish the South Fork was open, then I could ride right from my house!
I'm sorry, I keep saying bailey and I mean briggs moresno. Bailey is the bridge on base, I think. Yeah, the ranger said the park at the bridge would be open this year, first time, I think?
Thanks very much for the information. Having recently moved here, I had no idea that there was anywhere to ride this close to home. I cant wait to check a few of these areas out.
If you have teenagers riding the river please tell them to stay on the river. People are getting off the river and riding on clearly marked private property. I won't say where(in order to not attract more idiots), just that we have a cabin on the opposite side of the visitor center and this has been a problem before. People trespass and leave tracks for others to follow. This is very clearly marked as private property and for some reason, people(the two today and others) think the signs don't apply to them. If you or your family is riding the river, please stick to the legal, open area. Calling the Park Service tomorrow and getting larger more "official" signs. Most importantly, just be respectful of other peoples property. Next time the decal numbers will be written down and the Troopers called.
If you have teenagers riding the river please tell them to stay on the river. People are getting off the river and riding on clearly marked private property. I won't say where(in order to not attract more idiots), just that we have a cabin on the opposite side of the visitor center and this has been a problem before. People trespass and leave tracks for others to follow. This is very clearly marked as private property and for some reason, people(the two today and others) think the signs don't apply to them. If you or your family is riding the river, please stick to the legal, open area. Calling the Park Service tomorrow and getting larger more "official" signs. Most importantly, just be respectful of other peoples property. Next time the decal numbers will be written down and the Troopers called.

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