Hey guys, I have a question for anyone that might be a transmission expert out there. I have a 94 F150 4x4 with the E40D tranny in it. It startin slipping while in overdrive going down the high way (felt like it was put in N engine would rev up then it would kick back into gear) and starting getting worse after that to the point that it would start to slip while you accelerated(still drivable though). My brother went to a tech school and a transmission shop gave the students a big break on labor cost since they work with the school a lot. Free quote on all transmission services, they will tear it down, tell you what it will take and if you don’t like the quote put it back together for ya. I pulled the tranny and had my bro take it to them….$1950 was the quote I got and when I asked what was wrong he said “its shot”. Since I could do a core exchange for the old tranny and get a new rebuilt for $800 I told the guy to get lost. well after hours on the phone I got my transmission back in a million pieces in a few different boxes. An old room mate of mine new a guy that rebuilt semi trannys so I had him rebuild it on his spare time and paid him for his labor. Before I had time to get the tranny in the truck guy that rebuilt it was killed in a car accident. This last weekend I had time to put it back together and when I got it running and went to back out of the garage everything seemed fine and I was a happy camper, well I go to drive it and noticed right away that it was reving really high in 1st gear, got it down the road and it wouldn’t shift until it was red lined a good 4-6 seconds then shift into 2nd. 2nd gear would do the same thing and when it went to shift into 3rd the fricken tires locked up like I slamed on the ebrake but the motor kept running. After letting off the gas it would go back into 2nd gear and would work again……. Any ideas?? Thanks guys