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DSP vs DSP Tour



New member
Can someone please explain the difference between the two?? tour has the mark button only and full DSP has mark and scan. what is the scan function and how do the two differ? both do multiple burrials and when marked scan for the next person. kinda at a loss for idea and there is no info on website for support.
The DSP has a scan feature, which will tell you how many victims are buried within 5 meters, 20 meters, and 50 meters. It can be useful when trying to plot out the general area.
Also, the DSP has a frequency check feature that will allow you to scan the frequency of another beacon to see how close to 457kHz it is operating.

The most common feature used on the Pieps is the Mark feature, which is why both the DSP and the DSP Tour have this feature. This will allow you to mark the first buried beacon so that the searching beacon can then lock onto the next closest beacon.
For most people the DSP Tour is easier and more practical to use.
appreciate the response...im understanding that the scan feature just tells you how many victims are buried incase you dont already know and also how far they are from you ... i see how the distance would be helpful but hopefully we are all riding safely and know how many of us are missing (ie. buried).

im experience in using a beacon, is this function worth the extra 100$
I just bought a pieps dsp and two standard dsp's. What kind of price are you finding this late in the season? I got mine for $209 a piece! I think I did good but I'm interested in how you did. If I did better I can tell you where I got mine, just pm me.
I just bought a pieps dsp and two standard dsp's. What kind of price are you finding this late in the season? I got mine for $209 a piece! I think I did good but I'm interested in how you did. If I did better I can tell you where I got mine, just pm me.
Do you care to share where you found them for that price. I'm looking for a pieps DSP also but the cheapest I've found has been $349
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