That Chris guy said:Sadly there has been a small gang of naysayers who have used this as a rallying cry to support their personal agendas and have taken it upon themselves to do as much damage to the site as possible by spreading their anger and discontent through what seems like an unending series of hate filled posts and threads, and of late spamming the site with pornography. (If you have not seen any of this you can thank all of the volunteer moderators who have been working overtime at cleaning it up as fast as it appears. If you have been the recipient of their scorn or abuse, please don't hesitate to report the post so we can remove it from SnoWest. Life is simply to short to have to put up with this nonsense) Unfortunately, the vindictive and spiteful actions of these few people serve only as another reason why we are moving forward with the paid member option. Even when it only costs 2 cents a day, paid memberships act as a filtering system to separate those who give our sport a bad name (the Trolls) from those who really care about our sport, it's people, and the community at large. Members with a vested interest in the success of the SnoWest Forums will seldom squander that investment for the opportunity to trash other members or the site itself.
What does limiting reading ability of a thread have to do with filtering trolls?