That was my point, I Tryed MANY time to tell the guy how and why it would not work but he knew better.
I have said it many times the best engineer's are the one who have goten there hands dirty building things BEFORE they start designing things. Some times they don't get it when you tell there there really is know way to make that at a price that is even close to reality.
Amen! thats the truth! Im inthe middle of a project right now and a dumbarse engineer will not listen or admit he does not know. I have tried to be civil but at some point I am going to unload on him! Hes a moron but I have grease on my pants and no paper so .... well you know the rest .He is going to feel so stupid when I prove him wrong(Again) . He is just one of dozens and dozens over the years that have earned this rep for there profession.