well looks like the people doing the test have no idea what a octane booster is.... and the person that posted this thread.
Simply raising the octane of the fuel will cause the engine to run cooler... it is like people who put high test in their regular burning mini van and explains they can "go faster"... well they can't and the higher octane fuel probably makes the mini van run slower.
Now if you advance the timing and increase the compression you need the higher octane to decrease heat and you gain HP... simply said (it does more)... so as I said the "test" premise is incorrect and not scientific.
The stuff is okay in a pinch if you are trying to boost fuel octane (like raising av-gas a couple of points) to a higher level... but I would not depend on it at low elevations... my 2 cents
Only octane boost I would use is Torco accelerator you can take your 91 octane fuel up to 105. And it works I have ran it in the last two sleds I've owned that needed av gas. Blended it to 102 and it worked flawlessly
This post and the video are based off of a lot of research on trying to find the best one. There are many publications out from very well know magazines and MMI that say this stuff does not work at all, its all a gimic. I talked to an instructor at WYO Tech and he told me the same thing. He told me that fuel stabilizers and fuel cleaners Even plain old mineral additives do a better job at raising your oct. I have been trying to figure this out due to only being able to run 88 non eth. Fuel.