As a paraplegic, and someone who has ridden, and still rides all my buddies sleds, I will have to say my IQ greatly decreased my "sticks". My Father and his friend,whom are of the older generation have had a little trouble being convinced that their new sleds require a learning curve. The "friend" has almost given up on sledding as he says he just cant keep the thing rubber side down. I have adjusted it numerous times for me,as I am a "sit-down" rider,just like they are. I dont try to convince them that they need to stand and be aggressive,with less input, to make the machine do what they want. I personally think,as they do, that they would be more at ease on an older gen. sled. The manufacturers have forgotten the older generation. Remember, these "older" guys love power too, so they dont want some mid-displacement,entry level machine. These are the same guys who taught me to ride and boondock. My Dad rides a 700 Dragon and wishes he had a 600, the friend rides a 600 IQ and wishes he had his old 580 Powder Special. As I have said, I personally ride their sleds and make adjustments to suit me as I am trying to achieve stability and confidence for these guys who dont stand up much. Anyone who rides the newer "rider forward" machines will tell you, they can be very tippy and nervous in their handling. I know, I have ridden almost all of the man. newer sleds,most of which have been the long tracked,big cc mountain machines. It almost pains me to see my Father and his friend struggle and not enjoy sledding like they used to. No, they refuse to "downgrade" to an older chassis, altough, that would be the wisest choice for them. Sorry Dad

On another note, I have also seen these older fellas do things and go places they never used to, so..... I guess I will continue to adjust,tweak, and try to convince them that SOME aftermarket parts might benefit them. Remember, the 'ol farts (me included) dont really wannna' spend alot on aftermarket parts. We just wanna ride like we used to. Take it for what its worth, but all the manufacturers have forgetten the older generation of mountain boondockers. And before someone says, "then stick to the trails", shush it. Our group only rides trails long enough to find an area where we can squeeze our sleds thru and find that untouched powder filled meadow or hill.