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Do you ride every day on a snowmobile trip?


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During the season, I ride at least once every weekend, sometimes twice if the riding is real good, maybe even taking a day off during the week. Basically, twice a week is max though. I enjoy the rest day after.

Because of lousy snow and/or short seasons, I plan on chasing the snow this season more than ever in the past with some longer road trips. What do you guys do on a 4-5 day long trip that you traveled a good distance? Do you ride hard every day, take a day off after a couple or what? Although I still think I hit it hard, not sure this 50 year old body can handle 4-5 straight days of riding. I know trip expenses are huge and every day not on the hills would seem wasted but an injury would be worse IMO
I normally drive a day each way and ride 4-5 days straight between. I only get 1 maybe 2 trips a year in so I hit it as hard as I can for those days.

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We typically ride 2-3 days and come home. We are young but most trips I’m shot by the 3rd day.

I really enjoy going places with hot springs, I could spend the good part of a day soaking. One of the best days I’ve had on a trip was a goof off day where we rode into Granite Hot Spring. Its south of Jackson WY. Its about a 10 mile ride in. We rode Alpine 2 days and hit the hot spring on the way home.
We are a little more crazy than most, work the day before, load up and drive/sleep all night on the way there (12-18hrs) buy passes, check into B&B, ride until 5ish. Get up early the 2nd day and hit it hard until dark.
3rd, half ride/rest. 4-5 ride normally. drive home the next morning (leave 4am)
safe/good idea? Probably not.
Ride 2 days back to back, take 3rd day off, then ride again.

At 59 I really see the difference in multiple days of serious mountain riding. 3 days in a row and my reaction time plummets as does my total hours of endurance.

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All depends on how many riding days you have, if your there for three days then we ride three full days four days maybe three full days and one light day with five days i would maybe take the third day off or take it easy and do more of trail/explore day, or ride into town or to a lodge or something for lunch then hit it hard days 4 and five. If you know your going ride for a that many days i would definitely hit the treadmill or elyptical and some weights. Its good to do that anyway for riding. depends on the snow too great snow ride till you cant ride anymore crap snow have a goof off day.
we usually travel on the first day. Ride hard the 2nd, 3rd and maybe 4th day. Drive to another area and hit it again for 2 -3 days. last day is hard day of driving to get home.
I need that travel/rest day in there. Depending on how hard we are riding day 3 is a crap shoot on how well I can do. I usually wiped out and sore as hell after the 3rd day of riding. I would be about useless after 4 days straight.
Depends a lot on the amount of travel required and time of year/riding conditions. Early season rides between being out of sledding shape plus generally more challanging bottomless conditions I get spent a LOT faster.

For places with 8+ hrs of driving, mandatory day of travel, 3 days of riding, drive home seems to be the sweet spot. Im by no means old at 33 but one of the key things I've found is the travel day on the front end is mandatory. Get to the destination at a coherent hour. Get a good dinner and a solid nights rest. starting the Trip off fresh I can go VERY hard for 3 days. Stating off tired and diet already junk from traveling is a bad start. Long weekends especially spots like 5-6 hrs away Ill often travel up after work friday, ride saturday like a maniac, ride sunday AM and come home sunday PM. These aren't too bad but monday is pretty much shot for anything useful. The thing that consistently burns me out on trips regardless of length is bad eating habits. Constant gas station junk food, improper or missed meals on the daily, low sleep, etc has me hitting the end of my energy level way faster. Good rest, hearty meals, as good of sleep as you can get, and a hot tub seem to be the magic to keep the party rolling.

For 3 Day + length trips my recommendation would be to mix up riding styles. Go hard one day, next day more of a touring, exploring day, then back to raging. Or if your in a spot with multiple zones close by, use a "slow" day to go check out a new or spot your curious about. That way if its not as good or whatever you can feel alright about not raging, and if it is rad, you've found your next spot to slay. Or even if your not taking "easy" days, just being concious of not totally burning yourself out where your dragging ass back to the truck every day.

Don't be afraid to enjoy the vacation in its entirety, stay somewhere deecent, check out the local watering holes, check out the towns, etc and you'll come home stoked on a trip a lot more then just a couple days of rallying 100%.
Drive 6.5 hrs ,,,,clean out driveway, shovel off decks, have a few drinks....
Ride hard 4 or 5 days and if weather is good on last day ride till 2:00/3:00 depending on time of year, leave sleds in trailer and drive home 6.5 if roads are decent.

Conditions / weather are the main factors...crappy weather we'll pull the plug on the last day ...good weather and conditions we'll ride long as possible but close to trailhead

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On week long trips I/we Usually Ride every day. Don’t usually have to get up early and hit it can do a leisurely morning like on the snow around 0900-0930, ride hard until maybe 1500-1530 then head back to the truck. Grab dinner and BS until bed. Same routine the next day. No stress. It’s vacation and supposed to be fun.
I did a 3 week trip this year and rode every day minus 2 days for travel. Although I'm 25 years old haha. Once you get in the groove, soreness isn't really a factor. Just be up on your hydration and nutrition
I remember when I was 25 and bullet proof. I'm much older now and as Toby Keith says "I'm as good once as I ever was"
Don't ask me to do it twice.
Depends on the trip for sure......

If the trip is long enough I like to ride 3 days and then have a mellow day and repeat that for as long as possible. Since I have a day or two of travel on each side to get west I can always rest in the truck during that time before and after. Mellow day might be a travel day or more of a short day riding. But I agree with Big T, for the longer trips seem mellower now and you don't get started crazy early and you have down time in the evening to relax. Makes the long trips much easier to ride every day. While we are all there to ride, it's also great to catch up with friends I don't see all the time. And that seems to be more important every year.

Definitely not like the younger days of driving all night. Ride sun up to sun down for a bunch of days and then drive all night home to be back at work the next day. LOL
I did a 3 week trip this year and rode every day minus 2 days for travel. Although I'm 25 years old haha. Once you get in the groove, soreness isn't really a factor. Just be up on your hydration and nutrition
3 weeks of riding EVERY DAY?
With the exception of a couple days off, Muskoka Freerider on YouTube rode 60 days in a row last year in B.C. Talk about getting your fill!

I think the formula will be ride two days hard, easy third day (hot springs, sight seeing) , then two more days. We'll see how I hold up at the end of day 5. ?
I agree with the reasonable day of travel. I used to leave here at 3am and drive 18+ hours. Crash for the night, then ride. It was never any good. Now I work a half day, drive till I'm tired and then get there at a reasonable time the next day. Although I have been known to drive straight through or sleep in the back of the truck when the conditions are epic....

Good food, good sleep etc goes a long way. I've done 11 days in a row - only because I had to go back home. Sure wish home was closer...
I agree with the reasonable day of travel. I used to leave here at 3am and drive 18+ hours. Crash for the night, then ride. It was never any good. Now I work a half day, drive till I'm tired and then get there at a reasonable time the next day. Although I have been known to drive straight through or sleep in the back of the truck when the conditions are epic....

Good food, good sleep etc goes a long way. I've done 11 days in a row - only because I had to go back home. Sure wish home was closer...

I'm 100% with you on that. The days of bonzi travel days are gone. Maybe it's the luxury of work now and having the time off is not an issue. But you sure arrive in a much better place to ride.
We seem spent after 3 days, but with having to drive 750 miles I would sure like to squeeze another day or two out of the trip.

I don't understand all the remarks about a travel day being a rest day. Hell, I'm shot after 12 hours of traveling!
I don't understand all the remarks about a travel day being a rest day. Hell, I'm shot after 12 hours of traveling!

Really? I always feel rested after travel days in the truck. Maybe you need a more loaded interior in your truck. LOL

Even the 26+ hour drive to BC from MN seems restful to me. Don't get me wrong I'm ready to get out of the truck. But I'm not wore out when I arrive.
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