You cant compare a 05-08 to the 09-10 its a completely different sled. the 09 162 feels shorter than a 08 153 and the new 153 goes where a old 162 wouldn't. If you ride dry pow the 153 wont touch a 162 no matter what you weigh. If you live where the pow is heavier there are few days the you wont be able to go where a 162 does. If you climb straight up the 162 will win if you r trenching at all. If your hooking up real good the 153 will get there faster but the 162 will still get there. If you are a good rider you can go where you want but may not be able to point it straight up and over
In the real world, in Cooke City: 3, 05 m7 162's and 2, 05 m7 153's(dry snow) a 162 will climb 30-60ft farther with the same rider. and sometimes go over when the 153 wont, you may not want to be the one guy that isn't making it, but do a tunnel mod and a PC track and your good to go.
In the real world, in Cooke City: 3, 05 m7 162's and 2, 05 m7 153's(dry snow) a 162 will climb 30-60ft farther with the same rider. and sometimes go over when the 153 wont, you may not want to be the one guy that isn't making it, but do a tunnel mod and a PC track and your good to go.
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