1. 4am dump in Wisconsin of around 65,000 votes at 100% for Biden. ...Every single vote!!
2. 4am dump in Michigan of 138,499 votes at 100% for Biden
3. 93% voter turnout in Wisconsin. ...Incredibly Amazing!!
4. AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidated their ballots
5. 101 million early voters and only 139 million total votes - making a brand new record!
6. Joe Biden of all people received the most votes for any president in history???
7. Trump leading in GA, NC, PA, WI, MI and they all "stop counting" within an hour of each other, only to have the vote fairy make an overnight visit.
8. “Busted water line” in heavily democratic Georgia county delaying results until early this morning
9. After polls announced they STOPPED counting and sent poll watchers home at shift change (4am), the 200k, 100% Biden spike occurred
10. There is VIDEO of boxes being walking into the counting stations in MI after poll watchers were sent home just before the 4am spike!
11. Poll watchers being kicked out in Detroit, MI while counting resumes (actual VIDEO showed this on CNN) - Windows being covered.
12. Arizona Informer Reporting Fairfax County “accidentally” gave 100,000 votes to Biden on accident.
13. Minnesota is looking to possibly having over 90% turnout. Like Wisconsin, more incredibly Amazing!!