What amazes me is how some people refuse to step outside the box and take a real look . Why people that believe their political side will be the new president are still raging mad .
Biden will bring Hillary back , she already said she's been asked , only Biden knows if he was even asked .
How is it even possible that three days before election that there was an software upgrade to the machines ? Also known as a patch , patches are not uncommon what so ever and are implemented constantly costing big corporate big bucks since software is constantly being rewritten . Patches / algorithm , are not a fix , lots of room for all kinds of error .
Ever wonder why the boob tube does strange things like program info lost or pixeling , usually blamed on power loss or poor weather . Not necessarily the case , patch /algorithm is or was loaded . Nothing wrong here , move along , while corporate is spiking the ball or going crap they'll never know till next time .
Anyone that believes the Oboma Care Act was a good thing has no idea or they don't care about the whole but the few . That was the reason why we where still in a recession when Donny stumbled in . That was never ment for the working class but it had every thing to do with big corporate . Some states took a hit so bad that Oboma when he was in office forgave those states because they where in the miss of financial collapse . Money does not grow on trees .
Get over the hating , some will take a win no matter what the cost , it was like a light switch . Donny was cleaning house and than all of a sudden it flipped . That's pretty hard to believe , this was nothing like the Clinton turn over but the other side will make sure this time to make sure .
Did we forget that already ?