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Determining the value of a Highly Customized Mod-Sled??


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 1, 2007
too far from mountains Alberta Canada
motojunkie that' sure is tuff to swallow ain't it? I also have an 08 nytro that I have easily over $40,000 into, and for the money I would get selling it I will just keep it around and ride when ever the conditions are prime for it. (ex when the suns out and there is lots of fresh snow with huge hills calling my name). It's just no fun riding 270-310hp on days that you can't see well. IMHO


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Ya, it's been quite the learning experience.
NOT at all like modding a car!.
I hope the sled sells in the next 30 days.
I expect to see the new Viper arrive in early November and whatever I get for the Nytro will roll right into the Viper.

With the price now under $10,000 I expect someone will take it soon.
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