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Democrats & Liberals (Discussion)

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Hello there, what about life which is cover our lifes exactly now!!!

Liberals aren’t just for blacks or women, they are supposed to be for
human rights. Liberals are supposed to be for life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness for all people, not just blacks and women! Where
is the white man in their scheme of the future world? Where is liberty
for choice? Simply where is liberty?

Liberals and democrats should stand for human rights for all. The democratic
party seems to miss the barn if they do not stand for the rights of
all. It is not a trade. Democrats seem to be trading the rights of the
adult male for women, children and minorities. What is this simplistic
marketing venue? Who made all this?

Get a life Democrats, you should make the point that you are for human
rights or not? You know, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
That type of stuff. You fail if you take sides. You cannot be for human
rights and for only one sex, race, or income level. And if you think
that it is all enough it is mistake it is just start point.

Do Democrats understand the human race? Make they thru American dream?
What really American needs?

What do you think about? Post here your reaction!

I think it is all about our real life now and what is good you or me
not exist we all together make decision who will be next
the problem is that our whole congress is out of touch with reality. when this country was started politics wasn't supposed to be a career. congress used to be made up of business owners and people who actually knew how to run something and make it profitable.

there used to be a time where i thought that the libs actually might have cared a little about our founding documents but instead they have move over to full blown socialism and most republicans have moved pretty close to where the libs used to be.

universal health care is a joke eurpoe already tried it, dosen't work. they are going away from it and here we go trying to get into it. there are too many issues to go over right now at least for me.

But all in all I am tired of the crap they try to shove down our throats, they forget who they work for and i would like to see some true conservatives that i could actually vote for. also i would love the socialist party in this couintry become just a memory.
there used to be a time where i thought that the libs actually might have cared a little about our founding documents but instead they have move over to full blown socialism and most republicans have moved pretty close to where the libs used to be.


It kind of seems that way to me also. I just wish there was a party who didnt want to spend our money. I would prefer we dont become like europe and thier high taxes.

You know the Beatles song "tax man"? One of the lines goes "there's one for you, nineteen for me". That's because at the time, the top income tax rate in the UK was 95%. I hope we never even come close to that!

Probably should move this to "fouled plug"
It kind of seems that way to me also. I just wish there was a party who didnt want to spend our money. I would prefer we dont become like europe and thier high taxes.

You know the Beatles song "tax man"? One of the lines goes "there's one for you, nineteen for me". That's because at the time, the top income tax rate in the UK was 95%. I hope we never even come close to that!

Probably should move this to "fouled plug"

nah no one ever comes to "Other"

I think it's a good spot for it.:beer;:beer;:beer;
It's all about getting elected not doing the right thing! The Dem's are growing stronger as they appeal to minorities & the poor. Hispanics are the fasted growing segment of the population & with illegals growing & growing. Just like Robin Hood-tax the rich & give to the poor. Unfortunately Dem's think most of us are rich.
Just heard on the news tonight that minorities will soon be the majority in the US. GOP is not much better since they too need to get elected & they need to have votes from a broad base. Pretty discouraging hope I'm wrong.
Jokes are already starting!

Well with Sarah Palin on the GOP ticket I think things in DC may just change a little.

Got like it when your female VP candidates favorite meal is Moose stew after a long day of snowmaching. (I know some don't like to call it snowmaching but it is a direct quote)

And her husband has won the Iron dog, gonna be harder for liberals to lock up land if she has anything to say about it.

And she is a no BS say it like it is and do what it takes to make it right kinda person, lets just hope enough of us who care get out and VOTE!
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