Hoping someone could point me in the right direction. My daughter rides A 2005 Polaris RMK 800 liberty VES. We have had no issues at all with the sled until recently. We were riding along and the snowmobile lost power, had a very large backfire, died, and has not started since. I had a little bit of time today so i started looking into it. I pulled each speck plug and they did not look any worse for wear. I checked the compression and only had about 30 pounds in both cylinders. I went ahead and pulled the head expecting the worse but the pistons looked great and there was no scarring whatsoever in the cylinder heads. It did look like both rings on both pistons seemed extremely loose compared to my 800 dragons. I did notice what I thought to be an unusual amount of dark/burnt oil under the magneto side of the orange rubber boot when I pulled the exhaust valves but no excessive carbon build up. At this point I would probably suspect one of the carburetors, stator, or something else electrical but honestly I have no clue where to start. I like to tinker but I am certainly no mechanic. If anybody has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.