Yesterday I started my 05 800 renagade X in the garage by hand because it had a dead battery and it fired right up. I drove it outside and let it sit for 4hrs. but it got much colder outside down to 5 degrees F. I pulled and pulled and could not get it to start by hand . So I changed plugs and tried to start it and did not start. So I decided to put the battery charger on the battery and walked away for 5 min. and tried to start it and it fired right up. I took the charger off and turned sled off tried to start it without charger and would not start . Put the charger back on and it started right up. My ? is do you really need your battery to have at least some power in order for sled to start. I would think you should not even need a battery in the sled to start it. HELP DEAD SLED IN MN !!!!!!!!!!